Super Robot Wars X is a Super Robot Wars game that was released on March 29, 2018. A group of mecha pilots who get stranded on the world of "Al-Warth" and forced to band together. Several Buddy Complex characters and mecha are featured in the video game.
The Confederate Treaty of Liberty Alliance[]
Republic of Great Zogilia[]
The Confederate Treaty of Liberty Alliance[]
- XV-7001 Luxon
- XV-7002 Bradyon
- Cygnus
- AG-6A Beryl Assault (summoned unit for Cygnus)
- AG-6CA Beryl Commander (summoned unit for Cygnus)
- AG-6E Beryl Explorer (summoned unit for Cygnus)
- XV-7101 Luxon NEXT
- XV-7102 Bradyon NEXT
Republic of Great Zogilia[]
- ZEH-N-110 Kugel
- ZEH-N-121 Nebiros
- ZEH-N-131 Alsiel
- ZEH-N-122 Krishna (summoned unit for Alsiel; halberd replaced with a machine gun)
- ZEH-N-126 Fortuna
- ZEH-N-112 Gwardia
- ZEH-N-112S Gwardia S
- CVP-015A Nergal
- ZTA-N-101 Karkinos